40 Years On: LGBTQ+ activism and life in Wales 1985-2025

For LGBT History Month, we are celebrating 40 years of queer activism in Wales, including historical and heritage activism, since the very first Pride March here in 1985.
This project, funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund aims to raise awareness of LGBTQ+ history in Wales by collecting stories and artefacts to preserve Welsh LGBTQ+ history. Also, by working with community partners to support and amplify LGBT+ History Month 2025 and the importance of collecting and celebrating our past.
LGBTQ+ History Month Launch 2025
We launched LGBT History Month with an event on 28th January in the Senedd. Featuring speeches from Jeremy Miles MS and our trustee Lisa Cordery-Bruce. Memories from Francis Brown, one of the organisers of the first Pride March in Cardiff in 1985 and a powerful speech from the young people of Digon, Ysgol Plasmawr. Thank you to Jeremy Miles MS for sponsoring the event.